Statement of Faith

The doctrinal stance of Faith Fellowship Church is based solely on God's Word. The New Testament repeatedly stresses the importance of sound doctrine according to the truth of Scripture. Paul says in 2 Timothy 2:15, "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
Paul also warns in 2 Timothy 4:3-4, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables."
At Faith Fellowship Church we are committed to "rightly dividing" God's Word, and preaching not simply what "itching ears" desire to hear. The following nineteen-point statement summarizes FFC's understanding of Scripture's essential doctrines of faith in Jesus Christ.

We believe in the inerrancy of Scripture as the Word of God, complete in and of itself, as found in the original manuscripts of both the Old and New Testaments. We also believe that God is Author, writing through men, of every line of every page. (2 Timothy 3:16)

We believe that there is one, and only one living and true God; that the Scriptures reveal God as eternally existing and manifesting Himself in three (3) Persons - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that all three (3) Persons of the Divine Trinity are equal in every aspect but carry out distinct functions. (I Corinthians 8:6; Matthew 3:16,17)

We believe Jesus Christ to be God the Son, both true God and true man, that He was born of a virgin, that he lived His life without sin, that He died as the substitutionary payment for our sin, and that He restored us to fellowship with God. We believe that He was physically raised from the dead, and is now in the presence of God as our intercessor. (John 1:1,2)

We believe in the personal return of Jesus Christ, and that it will be revealed in three stages:
The rapture of the saints.
His premillennial return to earth.
His millennial reign on earth. (John 14:1-3)

We believe that the Holy Spirit is a divine person, not merely a force; equal with God the Father and God the Son and possesses the same nature. He is responsible primarily to empower followers of Jesus to live every day for God. (John 14:16,17; 16:8-11)

6.  SATAN:
We believe in the reality of Satan (the Devil) and that he actively and aggressively works at destroying and hindering God’s work on earth. As a creation of God he must ultimately submit to God’s authority over him. His destiny is sure - eternity in the Lake of Fire. (Revelation 20:10)

We believe in the Genesis account of creation (in seven days) as literal, true, accurate and scientific and reject any other theories. (Genesis 1 & 2)

We believe that Adam was created sinless, but that he willfully chose to break God’s law, thereby bringing sin into the world. As a consequence, all mankind became law-breakers and stand "guilty" before God, deserving of punishment, and therefore have been sentenced to "death" (eternal separation from God). (Romans 5:12)

We believe salvation (the only escape from our "death" sentence) is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and that it is available to all who believe in the substitutionary death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, and who acknowledge Him as our only Lord and Savior. (Ephesians 2:8,9)

We believe that when the new birth (salvation) occurs, the believer is justified, which means the pardoning of sin, the imparting of righteousness, the giving of eternal life, and the status of a new creation. This justification is accomplished solely through faith in Jesus’ death; His righteousness is credited to us on His merits, not our own works. (Acts 13:38,39)

We believe that sanctification is the process by which God gives to us His holiness: that it is a progressive work that begins at the new birth (salvation) and continues in our hearts by the work of the Holy Spirit in connection with Bible study, self examination and denial, watchfulness and prayer - only to be completed upon the return of Christ. (I Corinthians 6:11)

We believe that God will never disown those who are truly born again. (John 6:36-40)

We believe that all believers should live in such a manner as to enhance their testimony as ambassadors for Christ, and to not bring reproach upon their Savior and Lord: this life includes obedience to Scriptural principles of living. (2 Timothy 3:1-5)

We believe that every believer possesses two natures: spiritual and carnal, with provision made for victory of the new nature over the old nature through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and that all claims to the eradication of the old nature in this life are unscriptural. (Romans 8:12)

We believe that the local church is a committed group of born again believers, believers equal in rank and privilege, subject to the Word of God, observing the directives of Christ, and therefore no hierarchy of individuals or organizations holds absolute right over us. On all matters of memberships, of policy, of government, of discipline and benevolence; the will of the local church, as led by scripture, is final. (Acts 2:41,42)

We believe God’s Word commands every believer, and only believers, to be baptized by the immersion of the believer in water. Baptism, while not necessary for salvation, is a beautiful symbol of our faith in and identification with the crucified Savior who was buried and rose again. (Romans 6:3-5)

We believe that the Lord’s Supper is the remembrance of His death until He comes, and that it should be observed by believers in recognition of His broken body and shed blood. Communion must always be preceded by self-examination. It is not necessary for salvation. (I Corinthians 11:23-28)

We believe that it is the solemn obligation and privilege of all believers to do their utmost to carry out the Savior’s command to give the Gospel to the whole world. This is accomplished through verbalization of our beliefs, leading a life which exemplifies our beliefs, following the Holy Spirit’s leading, and support of fellow believer’s evangelistic efforts through prayer, finances and exhortation.

We believe that all those who have been truly born again will be resurrected at the rapture of the Church to eternal fellowship with the Lord; and that their works shall be rewarded at the judgment seat of Christ; and that they shall reign and judge with Him in the Millennium. We believe that those who are not born again will be resurrected at the Great White Throne Judgment where they will be judged and thrown into the Lake of Fire for eternity. (Revelation 20:11-15)

Covenant & Constitution

FFC worships together under a covenant, or statement on how we have promised to live as a church. The covenant emphasizes foundational prayer, focus on Jesus Christ, and fruit for eternity. It summarizes how we promise to live together in covenant relationship. Our acceptance of this document and ensuing loyalty to one other follows the practice of believers through the ages who pledge to God and one other to live out the gospel in community.

The FFC covenant is used in two ways. First, all who come into FFC as members, as brothers and sisters in the church family, sign the covenant before joining the church. Secondly, during communion at one of our Sunday Services , we remember and recommit ourselves to our covenant, for our life together, striving to protect ourselves from individual and corporate sin, and spurring one other on to live in light of the greater covenant secured by the blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

The constitution of Faith Fellowship Church, Clarence, NY was adopted by the membership on February 28, 1988, and revised by the membership on April 24, 2002.